Page 1: Why Humans are Not Causing the Earth to Heat Up

Page 2: Electric Cars are More Expensive Than You Could Ever Imagine

Page 3: More Batteries Mean more Environmental Destruction

Page 4: Why “100% Renewable Energy” is Just a Pipe Dream

Page 5:  We Have Enough Oil to Last a Thousand Years

Page 6: How the Government Fools Us All

Page 7: Man-caused Global Warming Circa 2022

By Stephen T. Blume DDS 02042022

Firstly, I want to say that we humans need to take utmost care of our planet. We need to keep our water pure, our air free of harmful pollution, and our living environment free of waste and trash. We should hand off to our children and our children’s children a planet that is as pristine as we can possibly make it. Nearly every citizen, no matter what their political persuasion, will be on board with that. On the other hand, we must not allow over-eager politicians to unnecessarily use our desire to keep a tidy planet as a political control mechanism that will tax and regulate and do damage to our lives and our children’s lives. That is just what politicians, and their agenda-driven scientists, are doing to us right now. Twenty years ago, doom and gloom predictions were made by global-warming zealots like Al Gore and Bill Nye the Science Guy. Gore tried his darn best to show how the burning of fossil fuels by industry and transportation, as well as other human activities, were raising the atmospheric content of CO2. When Gore first started his campaign just after 2000, atmospheric CO2 concentrations stood at 370 parts per million. Today it hovers around 410 ppm, a 10% rise. Was Gore right? Are we killing ourselves by overheating our beautiful planet? A better question might be, are we humans capable of changing the climate of the earth? Could we heat up the planet if we wanted to?

The Man-Caused Global Warming Hoax

One of the most historically fraudulent scientific myths in world history is the notion that humans could purposefully change the climate of the earth. We could not do that anymore than we could change the temperature of the sun. The notion that we have that ability is a pure Quixotic fable concocted by leftist politicians and their pet scientists who are dying to tax us and control our lives. Take a look at the sun in the picture above. That big yellow ball, the sun, which is millions of degrees hot, and a million miles in diameter, and our juxtaposition to it, is what determines our climate. See that tiny blue dot below the white arrow? You can barely see it. That represents our earth. Just imagine if everyone in the world stopped eating hamburgers or used less gasoline. Would that have any effect on that gigantic yellow ball?

To give you an idea about how insignificant we humans are on the earth, the earth is covered by 71% water and 29% land. 10% of the land is populated by humans, the supposed gawd-awful source of global warming. When you fly across the highly populated United States, what percentage of the time are you above populated areas? Almost none. This means 3% of the surface of the earth is populated by humans who are supposedly producing enough CO2, a colorless odorless gas, to completely change the entire atmosphere and climate of the whole earth. Is this possible? Lucky for the modern Chicken Littles, few people realize how large the earth really is, and how tiny we humans are upon it. We are peons as far as changing the earth’s climate. Americans inhabit .03% of the surface of the earth. Do you actually think any rule changes and regulations made by the United States would produce any change in the climate of the entire earth?

To make it even worse for GW zealots, 6.6 billion inhabitants of the earth live in developing countries. These people couldn’t care less about global warming or “tipping points”. They are fighting to feed their children, get clean drinking water, electricity, modern modes of travel… in other words they are fighting to survive and improve their living standards. Whatever Al Gore and AOC have to say about the Green New Deal is a joke to them. So, all of the absurd regulations and laws the developing countries are putting on the backs of their citizens will just be CO2 blowing in the wind. What this means to Global Warming zealots is that the 3% of the earth that is populated by humans, only 1% will have global warming regulations and taxes to deal with. The other 2% of the earth is inhabited by people who have absolutely no idea that there even is a global warming scare. Nor do they care. It also means that the Global Warming scare is being treated by developing countries as it should be. It’s nothing but a quixotic fraud.

What is most telling is that the term “Global Warming” was changed to “Climate Change” was changed to “Climate Crisis”. If there truly is human-caused global warming, why was that term changed? And who changed it? Who let the cat out of the bag and convinced virtually all news outlets to change the term? It had to be an very organized and very conscious decision, and a planned effort to change the term. “We must tell all news outlets to use the term “Climate Change”, and now the “Climate Crisis” because if we don’t, well, the populace may not believe ‘cuz the earth isn’t getting warmer!” So the term was very successfully and so easily changed twice. The term “Climate Change” just isn’t scary enough. Ditto “Global Warming”. The term “Warming” is just too warm and fuzzy. So, “Climate Crisis” does the job. It scares us all into believing and paying our carbon tax and accepting regulations.

To give you an idea of how truly puny we earthlings are, according to NOAA, an average hurricane produces energy equivalent to 200 times the worldwide electrical generating capacity. We are like ants in a huge building. The ants can’t change the temperature of the building if they wanted to, and we humans can’t change the temperature of the earth. The sun and our juxtaposition to it do that just fine. The sooner humans, who cannot change the temperature of the earth if they tried with every dollar they had and every scientific device they could ever possibly make, realize this is the case, the sooner we will get rid of this leftist notion and get on with making life better on earth for everyone… including the 2 billion people who don’t have electricity and modern conveniences we are so fortunate to have.      If the fraud of global warming were true, we certainly can’t allow the world’s poor to have electricity… cars, or heat. Because that would increase the human CO2 footprint by 50%! And that would mean death to the entire earthly population. One would think the bleeding-heart liberals would be working feverishly to help the poor of the world get the modern conveniences we have. In reality, they are preventing the poor from improving their lives. In the United States, because of GW zealots, power plants are being closed, oil pipelines have been shut, oil fields are closed, new drilling technologies are banned, dependence on foreign energy supplies is the norm. The result is massive increases in the price of gas, electricity, and gasoline that have hurt the poor the most. Don’t liberals always claim they “help the little guy”?  Because the left in our own country has shut down the supply lines, the “little guy” is getting thrashed.

China and India each have five times the population of the United States. They don’t bother with GW mandates at all. Which makes any feel-good American regulations and taxes completely insignificant. To give you an idea of how insignificant the population of the United States is, and the regulations and taxes that are being bestowed upon us, this is a list of coal-fired power plants currently being constructed by countries that don’t go along with the global warming scare These countries are smarter than we are. They take care of their citizens first.

Coal-Fired Power Plants being constructed as of 061621: China 220, India 77, Indonesia 35, and 35 other nations have 467 being built, 930 are in the planning stage

In the United States, coal-fired power plants are banned. Dozens of plants nationwide plan to stop burning coal this decade to comply with more stringent federal guidelines, according to state regulatory filings, as the industry continues moving away from the supposed planet-warming fossil fuel to make electricity. Coal is by far the cheapest source of electricity, the most reliable, and most plentiful. Yet the U. S. has already closed and destroyed 290 clean coal-fired power plants. Yes, as we close them, we also destroy them so they can’t be opened sometime in the future. So as the world builds more plants to serve its citizens, we close ours and try to rely on windmills and solar panels. Are we dumb or what?

Few other countries are putting themselves in the pickle that our own politicians are putting us in. Fortunately, millions of people in the countries above will get electric power, while we are trying to stop our citizens from getting it.  Our regulations and taxes for a fraud will be completely insignificant, and certainly not worth destroying our economy for. No matter what we do and how many regulations and taxes we pass, less than 10% of the earth’s population, or about 800 million people, might follow the edicts of the global warming zealots. Seven billion earthlings couldn’t care less. But we will go ahead at full speed and tax and regulate ourselves to death anyway.

Only .04% of the atmosphere is composed of CO2. Only 5% of the .04% is manmade. The other 95% is produced by nature. Manmade CO2 is just a thoroughly mixed 0.002% (20 ppm) of the total atmosphere. This means the CO2 content of the atmosphere rises and falls because of nature. It has little or nothing to do with humanity. This means humans can only manipulate .002% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. And because less than 10% of the population of the earth will be heavily carbon taxed and regulated, 90% of the human contribution of CO2 will remain unregulated. This means anything we think we are doing to stop climate change on earth is pure feel-good Quixotic nonsense.

To get an idea about how miniscule and absurd 410 PPM really is, imagine having a barrel with 10,000 blue marbles which represent the earth’s atmosphere. Among those marbles is 4 red marbles which represent the CO2 in the atmosphere contributed by both nature and man. How long do you think it would take you to find even one of the four red marbles? To get an idea of how miniscule human-created CO2 is, picture a vat with 50,000 blue marbles and one red marble. The red marble represents the human contribution to atmospheric CO2. You would spend days looking for it. Nature’s .04% CO2 isn’t nearly enough to have an effect on the earth’s climate, and the minuscule amount we humans contribute and can actually regulate is invisible and insignificant to the climate. 

The chart below will show you all of the minuscule “greenhouse gasses” humans are contributing to the atmosphere of the earth. Notice that water is by far the most common greenhouse gas. Our water contribution to the atmosphere also incredibly minuscule, as are all other greenhouse gasses.

Manmade and natural atmospheric CO2 doesn’t trap anything, especially heat, because the atmosphere has no “glass roof” made up of any atmospheric gas that would make it act like a greenhouse. CO2 isn’t hard like glass, nor does it make up a specific layer in the atmosphere that absorbs and holds in heat like a greenhouse. The earth isn’t remotely close to resembling a greenhouse. Greenhouses work because the sun heats the glass roof and walls. That heat is held and sealed inside of the greenhouse by the walls and roof which prevent air circulation. The glass heats the air insides, stops warm air from escaping, and prevents cooler air from entering. The perfect example of a greenhouse is your car with the doors and windows closed on a hot day. The sun heats the metal and glass on the car which heats up the air inside the car. The metal and glass also prevent air circulation, so cooler external air cannot be replaced by hot air inside of the car. We all know cars can get incredibly hot in the summer. The atmosphere of the earth isn’t anything like a greenhouse or your car in the summer. The earth constantly circulates hot air which rises, and cooler air which sinks. The greenhouse comparison is a fraud. Even so, if you had a greenhouse with a clear glass roof, except that two of every 100,000 molecules of roof material (.002%) were opaque, do you think you would have a measurable rise in temperature compared to a greenhouse that has a100% a clear glass roof? Global warming zealots would of course say “yes!”. The truth is a temperature difference between a greenhouse with a 100% clear roof and walls versus one with a roof and walls with two opaque molecules out of every one-hundred-thousand clear molecules could not be detected. The same is true with the earth. .04% CO2 in the atmosphere versus .038% wouldn’t show a detectable difference in global temperatures except in the imaginations of leftist politicians and their pseudo-scientists

The truly fake science that refuses to die is that atmospheric CO2 acts like a roof in a greenhouse and traps heat from Earth’s surface, warming both the atmosphere and surface. Never mind that the atmosphere is constantly circulating and is 6 miles thick. The temperature of the atmosphere massively drops as we fly higher. The bomber crews of World War 2 flew at about 29,000 ft. As their planes weren’t pressurized, they were routinely working in -50° to -60° temperatures. As we all know, hot air rises, and cold air sinks. The warmer the air, the faster and higher it rises. This means our earth is constantly in the process of cooling its surface atmosphere by moving cold air downward, and warmer air upward. The earth keeps its own temperature in balance. This cooling process is the earth’s version of an air conditioner. The earth regulates its own temperature and climate. This process is so massive, that we humans are a completely insignificant part of that process.

The earth and its plant life also use COas a fertilizer. Plants thrive on COlike humans thrive on oxygen. The more COin the atmosphere, the more plants thrive, and the more oxygen they produce. Photosynthesis requires an input of COwhich yields an output of oxygen. Satellite photos have shown increased plant growth that follows increased atmospheric CO2. There are several ways the earth balances its own ecosystem which overwhelms anything mankind can do to add or detract.

In the 1800s, Indians and settlers set many forest fires and brush fires deliberately, to drive game, make room for their homes, stimulate their crops, or fight enemy tribes. Accidents, arson, and natural causes such as lightning were the source of other immense fires. Many of the burns were in grass or sagebrush. Man’s ability to extinguish forest fires and brush fires bordered on pathetic. The firefighters of the 19th century used simplistic, awkward, and heavy fire engines with manually operated pumps that were horse-drawn. Frequently large teams of firemen were required to move them around in steep hilly terrain. The fire engines were so rudimentary, and the amount of water they could carry was so limited, they were nearly useless. They really couldn’t put out much more than a boy scout campfire. Small buildings that were on fire in the 1800s usually burned to the ground. Most forest and brush fires continued unabated until a heavy rainstorm came along. Far more land burned each year during the 1800s and earlier, than in recent years. In the pre-industrial era, before 1900, an average of 145 million acres burned every year nationwide — about 10 times more than fires in recent years. After 1950 we had greatly improved our ability to fight major fires. We had airplanes that could spray fire retardants. We could somewhat direct and control the directions of fires. Fire science had greatly improved. Fire departments could finally do something about fighting the immense fires that raged unchecked before 1900. So here is a great reduction in a major source of atmospheric COthat is never mentioned in global warming speeches and discussions. One of the most predominant sources of atmospheric COwas reduced by 90% by human technology and ingenuity. But this doesn’t help global warming zealots and their agenda, so it’s never mentioned in global warming articles and discussions. Discussions usually are about the immense amount of COfires add to the atmosphere, never about the astounding reduction that has occurred since the end of the 19th century

Venus is often used to scare people into believing it’s so hot because it’s a runaway greenhouse; and that the earth could do the same thing if we aren’t careful. Kind of like “If you aren’t good, Santa won’t bring you any toys.” That strategy still works for gullible adults. Venus is no more a greenhouse than is the earth. They are about the same size, yet there are massive differences between Venus and Earth. Venus is 26 million miles closer to the sun, so it takes in far more solar radiation than does Earth. Its atmosphere is almost entirely composed of CO2 which absorbs both heat from visible light and infrared radiation. Very little light reaches the surface of Venus. If you could stand on its surface at noon it would look a bit like the earth just after dusk on a cloudy day. The solar radiation that doesn’t reflect off the Venusian atmosphere is absorbed by that atmosphere, which makes it so hot, 870°F, it could melt lead. Further, its atmosphere is 92 times thicker than the earth’s atmosphere. This means if you could stand on Venus’ surface, you would be crushed almost instantly; and you would burn to death. It would be a race between crushing you and burning you. Venus’s atmosphere does the same as earth’s atmosphere. The “cooler” atmosphere descends, and the “hotter” air rises. Only, the “cooler” air on Venus can melt lead. Unlike a greenhouse, Venusian air circulates. A day on Venus lasts for 243 Earth days or 5,832 hours. A day on Earth is 24 hours. This means that any point on Venus faces solar radiation for 2,916 hours, which adds immensely to the heat on to the sunny side of Venus. On Earth, the atmosphere is heated and cooled every twelve hours. At night Venus’ temperature drops to -273°F which isn’t the way any greenhouse acts, and which isn’t mentioned by any global warming spokesperson. Using Venus as an example of why we earthlings need to stop eating hamburgers and why we should stop flying passenger jets is just more of the myth of global warming.

Solar energy that comes through the atmosphere and is bounced back upward off the surface of the earth creates our climate. About 71 percent of the total incoming solar energy is absorbed by the “Earth system” composed of the atmosphere, clouds, and the surface of the earth. Of the average 340 watts per square meter of solar energy that falls on the Earth, 29% is reflected back into space, primarily by clouds, but also by other bright surfaces and the atmosphere itself. Incoming solar light energy is about half in the visible range and half in the infrared range. Our atmosphere including CO2 is transparent to the sun’s visible light, which allows it to deposit and reflect most of its energy on the earth’s surface. The percentage of infrared energy is actually increased by the “bounce” to about 59%. Visible light is reduced to about 41%. According to modern GW science, CO2 absorbs only infrared radiation, not visible light. If this is true, CO2 absorbs not only the infrared radiation coming directly from the sun but also the greatly reduced infrared that bounces off the earth’s surface. It absorbs infrared going in both directions, but by far the greatest absorption should be incoming infrared because there is more of it. Much of the infrared that hits the earth is absorbed by the earth itself and doesn’t bounce back into the atmosphere. There is far less outgoing “bounced” infrared radiation than incoming. If this is true, CO2 should act as a global cooler far more than a global warmer. The more CO2 in the atmosphere, the colder we should be; not the warmer since greater amounts of incoming infrared radiation are being blocked. More manmade CO2 should drop the temperature of the earth, not cause an increase. If GW zealots are right, the more CO2 we humans put in the atmosphere, the cooler the climate should be, and according to GW “science” the better off we should be. So, a large human carbon footprint would be a huge boon to the earth. Oh, but then we would be inundated with left-wing Global Cooling Ice Age zealots with new regulations and new taxes.

If you would like to see this explained by a GW zealot, here is a Ted talk on the subject. The lecturer has no idea the there are only 4 molecules of CO2 per 10,000 molecules of atmosphere, and that only 5% of the 4 or 2 CO2 molecules per 100,000 atmospheric molecules are manmade. Which means CO2 is insignificant in trapping solar energy, and our contribution is completely and beyond insignificant.

If all humans on earth vanished tomorrow, atmospheric CO2 would dip to .038% from .040%. And if we did a magnificent and impossible job of controlling manmade CO2 by reducing it by 20%, human CO2 would then be .0016% from .002% of atmospheric gasses; still a completely insignificant amount. The problem with most global warming zealots is they fall for the indoctrination they have clearly undergone. Most global warming zealots are completely unaware of how miniscule atmospheric CO2 really is. They imagine that it’s a huge part of our atmosphere, that we humans are inundating the earth with CO2, and that we are slowly killing ourselves. They are nothing but freaked-out Chicken Littles.

It’s a complete hoax to try to pretend the earth’s massive cooling process is really a warming process. Yet every day the Marxist-run U.N. IPCC octopus is trying to sell it, not for honest scientific reasons, but as part of their political push to destroy the oil industry to pave the way for global Marxism. If they win, it will leave hundreds of millions of people starving and freezing or frying in a Marxist police state where anybody rocking the boat will be canceled. The greenhouse analogy is a fraud, but the left will never drop the term greenhouse because it’s about selling fear. It’s not about truth.

Because of the population increase on the planet Earth, if the Global Warming scam were real and man-caused, we would have been like Venus and all dead long ago. The increase in CO2 is minuscule compared to the population increase. In 1800 the CO2 level in the atmosphere was supposedly 283 PPM. How do scientists know? Well, there certainly weren’t any measuring devices in 1800. So, scientists took bubbles from “old” ice and measured the amount of CO2. in the bubbles. Imagine taking a tiny ice bubble and testing it for .028% CO2. The ice bubbles were, of course, “carefully” dated by government scientists with a GW agenda. How did they detect that the bubbles were from 1800 or 1850? Is there no chance that the CO2 in the ice bubbles dissolved or changed in any way in the last 200 years? Further, can we count on government-paid scientists with a GW agenda to give accurate scientific percentages of atmospheric CO2 over the last two hundred years?  Ice cores were used to measure atmospheric CO2 right up until 1956. This means the first 150 years of CO2 measurements were taken from ice bubbles in a microscopic location on the earth. Government “scientists” make the huge assumption that the tiny bubbles that are used for the measurement represent CO2 levels throughout the entire atmosphere of the earth. Even worse, a Hawaiian volcano, Mauna Loa, is used to measure CO2 levels after 1956.   Mauna Loa is isolated in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It’s over 11,000 feet above sea level. Measurements are taken on the upper north face of the volcano because government GW scientists think this is an ideal location to make measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Supposedly tiny bubbles in ice and this tiny volcanic sample reflect global trends because they don’t have local influences such as factories or forests that might boost or drop carbon dioxide. Don’t volcanoes spew out COin massive amounts? Wouldn’t one expect measuring COnear a volcano vent would bring higher readings than would CO2 in ice bubbles? So, global warming hysteria is based on COmeasurements taken from old ice bubbles, and newer ones from measurements taken 11,000 feet high on a Hawaiian volcano. How could measuring from two entirely different physical locations yield any kind of accuracy? For this, we are going to let bureaucrats and Green New Deal socialists control and ruin our entire economy.

Interestingly, virtually all graphs on Google that supposedly depict the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere make it look like it has tripled or quadrupled. The truth is global warming zealots use these faked graphs above to make it look like CO2 is massively rising when that’s not the case at all. The world population has increased almost 100% as has our carbon footprint since the beginning of the global warming panic in 1985. We were told that if we didn’t lower our carbon footprint we would all die. Yet the weather and climate have remained the same. We are not the cauldron that was predicted in 1985.

The graphs are made to look like CO2 is massively rising by removing the bottom 80% of the graph. Their graph intersection starts at 250 where it should be zero. They also shorten the graphs it so looks like there is a much more significant rise than there actually is. These graphs above are found by looking up CO2 rise since 1800 on Google. They are made to look like CO2 has tripled or quadrupled because all of the graphs start at about 250 ppm. Almost all CO2 graphs like the graphs above are made to scare the wits out of people who view them. Virtually all CO2 graphs have this same inaccuracy. So, most people casually looking at them would be freaked. Few would realize or even believe that scientists could or would make such fraudulent graphs.

Here is a chart that completely ignores the incredible freezes we had during World War 2. The temperature graph should show a huge decline from 1940 until 1970. The temperatures were so cold that they were the biggest weapon Russia had when fighting the Germans in WW2. The cold was historic. Ice ages were predicted. We were all going to die! I wonder why the scientists and makers of this graph ignored it.

From New Scientist: During World War II there was a chill across the world, and it wasn’t just the Cold War. From the 1940s to the mid-70s, the planet seemed to be in the grip of a global cooling. For a while, almost every outbreak of extreme weather was blamed on it. Some members of a new scientific discipline, climatology, predicted a new ice age…

Global cooling was a real phenomenon – and it changed global history. In the winter of 1941, it stopped the German army’s advance on Moscow: Grease froze in German guns and tanks. Thousands of soldiers died from cold. Hitler’s failure to take Moscow marked a turning point in the Second World War. Without the freezing 1940s, Hitler might have triumphed. But by the 1970s, no one was giving thanks for global cooling. As snow banks built across the Canadian Arctic and pack ice grew in the North Atlantic, there was concern bordering on panic about where this might be leading.

The ice age that never was

Historically the temperature of the earth has’t followed massive rises and drops in atmospheric CO2 at all. If you truly believe our scientists are capable of measuring atmospheric CO2, scientific measurements don’t show a correlation of temperature and CO2 at all. Here is a historic graph that should make all global warming zealot cringe.

To further scare the wits out of us, Nova (PBS) aired a documentary, The Great Electric Airplane Race, about how we are feverishly working to come up with passenger electric airplanes to replace passenger jets. Supposedly passenger jets are pouring COinto the atmosphere, which causes enormous global warming. They are also pouring water in the form of ice crystals into the atmosphere that can last for hours! The ice crystals turn into cirrus clouds that further cause global warming. I wonder if the makers of this documentary have ever compared the size and longevity of cirrus clouds to the contrail of a jet. At the 9-minute point, they put on the above scary digitized video, showing how jet contrails are just overwhelming the atmosphere with their contrails, composed of 2/3 CO2 and 1/3 water. There is no place on earth, including at any airport, where you would see the absurd video above, which puts it on the same level as very a scary cartoon. The trouble with the video clip is most people watching would take it as serious science. NOVA says all passenger jets contribute 3.2% to the global warming emergency. Yes, emergency is the term used throughout the documentary. And 3.2% of .002% is nothing. Of course, scary videos are shown of forest fires that are actually down 90% since the 1800s, calving glaciers that are always calving, photos of hot days with artificially colored orange skies… the assumption is that we really are in a global warming emergency, and all fires, floods, hot days, and calving glaciers are caused by us horrible humans that are causing this emergency. Electric-powered airplanes travel 80 to100 mph, and they have a range of, oh, 80 miles at best. The weight of the batteries is enormous. Passenger jets fly with 40,000 pounds of fuel now. If we could make a passenger jet that had the range needed to get us across the country, the batteries would weigh 1.2 million pounds. Just think of the global warming emergencies that will be caused by the building and transporting of 1.2 million pounds of batteries. Of course, technology will improve and bring that number down. But how far down can it come? And electric planes will always be propellor-driven and incredibly slow. Why would anyone take one when they could get across the country faster on a train…or maybe a covered wagon. But then there would be the GW problem of horse flatulence.

The population of the earth in 1800 was about 1 billion; the current population is about 8 billion. This represents a population rise of 800%, which supposedly produced the rise in COfrom 283 PPM to the 410 PPM we have today. So, an 800% population increase yielded a CO2 rise of only 44%. We know the 800% is pretty accurate. Do we know what the 44% CO2 rise is? Uh, no. Even so, the massive population increase produced a comparatively minuscule increase in atmospheric CO2. The numbers don’t add up or match whatsoever for Global Warming zealots. The chart above demonstrates how increased COdoesn’t follow the earthly population increase at all.

Since Al Gore started doing his Chicken Little impersonation, the population of the earth has increased by 40%. Just think of what Al and his “scientists” would have said in 2003 if you told him our CO2 footprint would be larger by 40% in 2022. He would have freaked. All of Florida and New York will certainly be underwater. Warming should be a runaway. But it isn’t. So, we can all relax; so can Al.

So, twenty years after the start of the GW scare, we continue as before, with record cold and snow and ice storms. Both photos below were taken this year (2022). How many of these kinds of storms will we need to have before people will come to their senses?

GW zealot Al Gore can’t possibly consider the truth: which is that unstoppable population increases will greatly yet insignificantly increase our carbon footprint. He’s so sold on his hoax and the millions of dollars he’s made from it, he cannot consider the truth. What was fun about Al Gore is, on so many occasions when he was going around giving scary speeches on global warming, the weather where he spoke was freezing. Gore speaking during record cold spells became a well-known joke. On one occasion he gave a speech in a big auditorium in New York City. The weather outside was zero degrees, as cold as New York ever gets. Yet he had the gall to go ahead as if it was 100 degrees outside. The audience was totally on his side, cheering every lie. On another occasion, he came to Los Angeles to give a speech. It was snowing in LA, one of the few flurries of snow ever in recorded history there.

The biggest problem is that there are over 2 billion exceedingly poor people on earth. Can you imagine the catastrophe that would happen if we let these poor people have modern transportation, heating for their homes, and electricity for modern lighting and conveniences? We cannot let that happen if we are going to save the world from certain calamity. So, we must keep the poor people of the world poor. Since 2000 the population of the earth has increased by 40%. This means our carbon footprint has increased by 40% as well. I guess we’re just darn lucky we haven’t turned into a cauldron already! A 40% increased carbon footprint should have destroyed the entire planet. So now what are we going to do with the inevitable population increases in the next hundred years? The population is bound to at least double to 16,000,000,000 by 2122. We are doomed. Our carbon footprint will double as well. The future of the earth beyond 100 years will be horrific. This may give you an idea of how absurd our regulation and carbon taxation really are. Any feel-good regulations and carbon taxation we do will be overwhelmed by population increases. It already has been in the last twenty years. It is an unspoken part of the GW hoax.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is days-over-95-1.png

There were more than twice as many days over 95°F in the 1930s as in the 2010s. Look at the graph above that shows the number of days when the temperature exceeded 95 degrees. Nothing was close to the 1930s. If one looks at the NOAA records of temperatures since the 1890s, they will discover that, despite all the fallacious claims to the contrary by GW alarmists, thirty-four of the hottest days recorded in each US state occurred before 1940 while many of the coldest days occurred after 1970. In Illinois, the coldest day on record occurred in January 2019, while in Oregon the hottest day occurred in 1898. The hottest temperature ever recorded in the US was 134°F on July 10, 1913, at Greenland Ranch, CA. Only 2 states experienced their hottest temperatures after 1996.  Below is the record temperatures state by state. Look at the dates of the records and see if they match the GW scenario at all. The answer is: they don’t. The population of the earth has more than doubled since most of the records were set. Yet our carbon footprint more than doubling has had no effect on the state-by-state records.

Global warming zealots are not aware that all forms of extreme weather are NOT more prevalent today than in the past. Every time there are hurricanes, tornadoes, or big brush fires, they are credited to man-caused global warming by all of the big-time newscasters on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC… and of course the New York Times. “Boy, if people don’t believe in Climate Change now…” The graphs below will dispel that notion. Weather extremes don’t follow the global warming mantra at all. In fact, in many cases, they go exactly the opposite of what global warming alarmists have to say. GW zealots naturally think that the most recent extreme weather events are the worst ever. The hottest decade in US recorded history was the 1930s. Few people living today were around at that time, so they have no idea what real global warming is really like. Just imagine if Al Gore were around in the 1930s, he would be a billionaire instead of just a guy with 5million dollars he made off the twenty-first-century hoax.

So, because of indoctrinated bias and ignorance of the past, climate alarmists can fool the gullible public into believing their fallacious claims that the Earth’s climate is getting hotter and worse due to man’s carbon footprint causing a rise in atmospheric CO2. It’s not. The earth’s temperature has gone up and down for eons. It gets worse than better over and over again. The actions of the sun and our orbital juxtaposition to it rule our climate. In the 1970s the big fear from the weather fear mongers was that we were about to have an ice age. The only real major ‘weather change” is the weather predictions of the Chicken Littles of the Left. The predicted rise of the oceans due to ice melt (photo below) didn’t even take place for Al Gore and the early global warming zealots of the early 21st century. If you would like more information on how climate zealots fool the public take a look at this video:

After reading this paper, if you are still a global warming zealot, which things have you done and do think we should continue to do to stop global warming?

  1. Get rid of passenger jets.
  2. Fly only electric airplanes and build high-speed trains.
  3. Get rid of cows and their pesky global-warming-causing farts.
  4. Get rid of cars that run on gasoline.
  5. Get rid of gas, oil, and clean coal to warm our homes.
  6. Don’t allow the poor of the world on any power grid.
  7. Cut down on conversations that spews C02 into the atmosphere.
  8. Windmills for your electricity.
  9. And my personal favorite: DON’T use Charmin to wipe you butt. It’s made from 300 year old Canadian Boreal forest trees. If you do, every time you wipe you will be raising the temperature of the Earth!

If you have any remaining doubts about what a fraud the Global Warming Hoax is, all you need to do is take a look at where the Leftist Chicken Littles live and how they travel. Al Gore and John Kerry, the two biggest spokesmen of the “crisis” both have gas guzzling SUV’s, both travel around for their GW lectures in private jets that produce more CO2 emissions on a single trip than any normal human does in a lifetime. Al lives in a massive house that uses ten times the electricity than the peasants that live nearby use. In July, 2022 Biden drove to his great planet-saving GW speech from the airport in Deleware with a lineup of gas-guzzling SUV’s. What a site that was! You would think he would have ridden his bike. He flew to the speech in a 747. His speech was to tell us mere mortals that we are at the tipping-point of a great crisis, so he must take executive action that will save us all! Just imagine the amount of CO2 he produced to give this speech when he could have saved us all from oven-hot death by giving the speech in the White House. Weekly President Joe flies Airforce 1 to his massive home in Greenville, Deleware that takes massive amounts of energy to heat and cool. Each of his weekly “vacation” trips produces far more CO2 than any normal human produces in a lifetime. Ex-president Obama purchased a 10 million dollar mansion on the ocean in Martha’s Vineyard, pictured below. It takes massive amounts of energy to heat and cool his mansion. Plus, what a brave soul he is, knowing that in a very short time the ocean will rise above his rooftop due to GW. He still put his money in his riches and comfort… not where his mouth is. All of these Chicken Littles are frauds, yet half of the population of the U. S. believe what they have to say . Few if any believers have the least bit of skepticism as they watch their Chicken Littles tell us how to live, while they produce more emissions than anyone could imagine.

If you really want to know what life would be like without oil drilling and refineries, take a look at the chart below. Without oil our lives would have catastrophic changes that are never mentioned by the Chicken Littles of the Green New Deal. Gasoline-driven cars are only one part of the story of how oil improves the lives of First Worlders. Sadly, few Third World citizens get any of the uncountable advantages that oil produces… and they never will. The Green New Dealers will make sure of that.

Below is Al Gore’s list of suggestions on how you can stop global warming when you go to the grocery store; straight from his website. So straight from the horse’s mouth. I’m sure Al would say everyone should be sure and walk or ride their bike to the store. Al takes limousines and private jets to get around. But he is far more important than us commoners. I’m sure he rides his bike TO his private jet.

  • The beat goes on. Below is Central Park in New York, January, 2024.

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